Ciara & Kaitlyn’s Spring Fling Contest!

This month, we’re ringing in Spring with the Spring Fling Writing Contest! Pick a gif, write a Spring-story, keep it under 150 words. Easy, right?

Uh… no…

But definitely fun and a great way to welcome Spring! (There’s still time to enter if you can write fast–deadline is April 19 at 11:59pm CST!)

So, without further ado, here is my Spring Fling story (135 words):

Animal At The Zoo


First day of Spring.

Trip to the zoo!

Oh no—line too long!

Perch like a flamingo,

Wait like an alligator,

Until tickets bought.

Through the gate.

Hop like a kangaroo,

Parade like an elephant,

Greeting the animals.

Little brother’s cranky.

Squawk like a parrot,

Spit like a camel,

Time for lunch.

Spread out the picnic.

Gobble like a turkey,

Eat like a warthog,

Sandwiches gone.

Can we play?

Swing like a monkey,

Slide like a penguin,



Splash like a duck,

Giggle like a hyena,

Spring rainstorm gone.

Afternoon sillies.

Sneak like a jaguar,

Roll like a panda,

Hide like an ostrich.



Hug like a bear,

Squeeze like a boa constrictor,

It’s okay Mom.

Stretch like a giraffe,

Yawn like a lion,

Sleep like a sloth,

Until the next Spring Day.

Some Inspiration for an April Afternoon

I am thrilled to be participating in Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 Challenge again this year. Julie has created an amazing resource and community for writers in all stages of our writing careers. It’s encouraging and uplifting to be a part of this supportive writing community.

Today, on a day that I really needed to hear this, I read the March Featured Author post. I already had great admiration for Baptiste Paul and the books he writes, but this post took his work to a new level for me.

I think all writers hope, dream, long for their work to impact others. Baptiste has seen this happen with his books.

The link to Baptiste’s call to “Never give up” is below:

12 x 12 Featured Author March 2019 – Baptiste Paul

Also, everyone needs to pick up a copy of Baptiste’s new book, I Am Farmer, from your local indie bookseller!
